
Play at BON Hotel Nest Bodija Ibadan

From nature to history and culture, there’s something for everyone


Ibadan is arguably Nigeria’s most interesting city, the third most populous city and the largest by geographical size.

From nature to history and culture, there are some great activities at your disposal. Here are some great ways to spend your free time:

Cocoa House
At the time of its establishment, this building was the largest of its kind in tropical Africa. A symbol of history and political power, it was built by the Government of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who was the premier of the defunct Western State of Nigeria. Find Out More
Agodi Gardens
In need of fresh air? Take a walk through the tranquil gardens located in the centre of the city. It’s complete with water parks and swimming pools if you’re keen for a bit of physical activity. Find Out More
Close enough to Cocoa House to pop by after your visit is Kokodome, a well-loved restaurant and night club in the city. Find Out More

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